Have questions about the new and improved Shell Card?
We're here to help.


If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, give us a call: 1-888-260-0886.

How do I know which Shell Card is right for me?

No matter how many vehicles your company fuels, Shell Card has a solution to help drive your business forward. Visit our Fleet Card Comparison page to choose the one that works best for you.

If I sign up today, how long will it take to get my Shell fleet card?

Account holders typically receive their cards within 7–10 days. Cards can also be shipped via overnight delivery at the customer’s request and expense.

On an existing account, how long does it take to get a new or replacement card?

Cards are shipped via regular mail on the first business day after they are ordered. Other forms of shipping are available at the customer’s request and expense.

Ready to get started?

Find out which card is right for you, then set off down the road to greater efficiency.

or call 1-888-260-0886

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